Do you want to be more comfortable at home winter and summer? Would you like to reduce your heating and cooling bills? Learn how to weather seal a house to increase comfort and reduce energy costs.

Typical Parts of a House That Need Weathersealing
Older Homes
So, in Philly, many of us live in older homes. Let’s talk about how to make the house more comfortable and saving energy. The first thing to do is to stop the drafts, that is to close the cracks and gaps where air from the outside is freely entering. The most commons air leak areas are the doors and windows. Do what ever you can to stop the air. Watch this video to get started on ways to stop leaks . If you can’t find the info on the best way to stop a leak, please give me a call or text, and I will help you.
The Chimney Effect
The reason that air is rushing in your house, mostly on the lower floors, is that hot air rises. Actually, in the attic, the air is pushing to get out of the house. So, in addition to treating doors and windows, it is important to block or reduce the bottom to top flow of air in the house. Do this by stopping the air leakage in the basement. This video shows the area between the floor joists in the basement that you want to air leak proof and insulate . The video shows a newer construction, but the principle is the same.
If you go down to the basement in the winter, you will find other air leaks and cold spots by feeling with your hand or face, or looking for moving cobwebs. Fill any cracks or gaps you find with caulk or foam. Sometimes you can push small pieces of fiberglass insulation into cracks with a stick or screwdriver.
Get Started Now
This is simply an introduction to the issue, far from complete. But get started and build up your skills in finding and fixing air leaks.Weather seal the house! It is the 1st step to making your house more comfortable and energy efficient. If you have any questions, please email jons@ Thank you.
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